I know that crumble may not be the first thing that comes to mind during the summer months but I assure you, this is so light and bursting with flavour and juiciness, you’ll want to make it. And because… if you have a food processor, preparing this is lightening fast.
I originally started writing this blog post last August/September, but didn’t manage to publish it. It seemed a pity to waste the work that I had put into photographing and then filming it with the help of my daughter. For this reason, instead of waiting till next Summer to publish it, I’m publishing it now. And in case you haven’t noticed, it’s Winter and in cold weather we need comforting food!! and this recipe is high on that. Of course, if you make this in late summer, all of your fruit will be in season, so more delicious and not as expensive, but thankfully the supermarkets are still selling fresh or frozen blackberries and raspberries now in January. Blueberries are seasonal all year round, so there shouldn’t be any difficulty in getting them.
For the topping for my crumble then, I am using almost exactly the same recipe I used for my Rhubarb Crumble. It has more butter in it than is generally the norm, but is not heavy or cloying. If you would like to watch the YouTube video in which I demonstrate how to make my Super Quick Summer Berry Crumble, click here. If you would like to read my recipe & method, please scroll down. P.s If you do watch my Youtube video, please be kind! – it’s my first video.
Ingredients for the crumble topping.
300 grams plain flour
225 grams salted butter
150 grams golden caster sugar
Ingredients for the fruit mixture.
500 grams blackberries
500 grams raspberries
500 grams blueberries
2 dessert spoons of golden caster sugar.
Preheat your oven to 190 Degrees Centigrade or 170 Degrees Centigrade for a fan oven, Gas Mark 5.
Using a food processor with the blade attachment (I use my Magi Mix), rub the butter into the flour until it resembles bread crumbs, then with your hands mix in the caster sugar. Don’t worry if your mixture is more like dough rather than breadcrumbs, just make sure that the sugar is evenly distributed throughout. Put onto one side while you assemble the fruit.
Take the blackberries, raspberries and blueberries and mix gently together with two dessert spoonfuls of caster sugar. Put them into a baking dish approximately 30cm x 24cm and spread them out evenly. Pour on top the crumble topping and gently even that out too, covering any gaps.
Bake in the centre of the oven for 35 minutes until the top has lightly browned and the juices are bubbling gently.
I like to serve this with fresh cream, but ice-cream would be brilliant too.
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