Looking to repaint a couple of pieces of furniture in my cabin, I’m currently gorging on Selina Lake’s superfluously luscious book on Outdoor Living with exquisite photography by Debi Treloar. Not that I need an excuse to read any of Selena’s books, they’re all gorgeous! 

I bought a pot of true green (on the blue side) gloss paint to re-do the legs of my dining/designing table about nine months ago and then chickened out, thinking I should probably leave it in the original bubble gum pink colour it’s already painted in, but with the table top sanded down to reveal the original wood. Which a friend kindly did for me and has really pepped it up.

So I’m not sure about painting over that, but I have decided to take the plunge and paint my cabin bookcase in another shade of light ultramarine matt green and which I’ll show you when it’s done.


I love Selena’s use of a whole spectrum of greens including fresh and even lime-y greens in the caravans and cabins she features in this book and her fabulous ideas for entertaining outside in style.