Well, this wasn’t the picture I’d originally planned to post on for today’s photographic diary, but in my haste and fussiness I ended up with it hoping to catch the few seconds left of January 2nd; unsuccessfully.
So as on some other days, I may end up posting twice today, now & again later on.
I want to log some of my New Year resolutions here, probably just one or two a day. Today’s is to honour my resolution to go to bed earlier !!! which is rather funny as I’m blogging now and it’s ten past twelve midnight. However, from tomorrow (or rather later on today), if I haven’t blogged by 10.30pm then I will not be blogging at all. My aim ultimately is to bring my blogging time earlier still, to leave more of my pre-sleeping time free to read and quieten my mind.
With this in mind, I have some absolutely fantastic books I’ve accumulated over the lockdown which are begging to be read and I cannot wait to get started. Come back to see what these books are and I promise you won’t be disappointed.
And tomorrow’s pictures will be of books, not me posing in a fluro jacket!!
Do you have any New Year’s resolutions and if so, what are they?
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